We all want it: a radiant, clear skin. It can be quite difficult to achieve that goal, especially if you suffer from a skin problem. And you are certainly not alone: many people have a skin problem. Curious about the most common skin problems? And what you can do about them? We have listed them for you.
Hyperpigmentation, also known as pigment spots, is an accumulation of pigment present in parts of the skin. This can lead to large, visible spots. Pigment spots can affect any skin color and any skin type. You can try different treatments to reduce this, by means of pigment peeling . Choose a professional treatment or a chemical peel that you can have done. Or try to tackle pigment spots at home with serums and creams with peeling ingredients. Important in the approach to pigment spots? You should pay close attention to sun protection from now on, to prevent the spots from recurring. Therefore, always use a day cream with SPF.
Acne is a well-known skin problem that occurs in teenagers but also in adults. It is caused by blockages of the pores by oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. It is important to cleanse your skin daily with a mild cleanser. In addition, there are creams and exfoliants to reduce acne. It is best not to use oily products. And touch your skin as little as possible. In case of severe acne, you can get professional treatment from a dermatologist.
Melasma is also called pregnancy mask. It is a form of hyperpigmentation, caused by hormonal influences. This form of hyperpigmentation can cover a small part or even a large part of the face such as the cheeks. You can use a vitamin C serum pigment spots to tackle this. Vitamin C is an effective ingredient that works well against dark spots. Other anti-pigment ingredients are retinoid, niacinamide and glycolic acid. Dermatologists also prescribe tyrosinase inhibitors to combat melasma. You can always consult your GP or a skin specialist about what is advisable in your situation.
Skin rash
Do you quickly suffer from red skin, itchy skin or flaky skin? Then there may be a rash or an allergy. There are different forms of this, including eczema, psoriasis, rosacea or hives. You can also be allergic to various things, including food, cosmetics or certain (clothing) fabrics. It is wise to discuss with a doctor what you can do about a rash or sensitive skin. Although the symptoms may seem similar, the causes can vary greatly. That is why it is important to first determine the cause, in order to tackle skin problems in a targeted manner with the right ointment, cream or treatment.
Now that you know what the most common skin problems are, it may be easier to determine whether you suffer from them. Always choose the right treatment, so that your skin can improve. Unfortunately, it can be quite a search to find what works for your skin: give it time.
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