Annual horoscope 2024

This is Happlify's 2025 Yearly Horoscope. Whether you're looking for love, career adventures, personal growth, or are simply curious about what the cosmos has in store for you, the yearly horoscope is designed to inspire, guide, and excite you for the adventures that lie ahead. Discover the unique patterns of the stars and planets that influence your destiny and be guided by the insights the universe gives you. Here's to a beautiful new year!

👉 Draw a tarot card of the day here
👉 Check your monthly horoscope here

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ARIES | March 21 - April 20

TAURUS | April 21 - May 20

GEMINI | May 21 - June 21

CANCER | June 22 - July 22

LEO | July 23 - August 22

VIRGO | August 23 - September 22

LIBRA | September 23 - October 22

SCORPIO | October 23 - November 22

SAGITTARIUS | November 23 - December 21

CAPRICORN | December 22 - January 20

AQUARIUS | January 21 - February 19

PISCES | February 20 - March 20

Remember that astrology describes general trends and influences, and individual experiences may vary. Use this horoscope as a guide and also trust your own intuition and decision-making abilities.