It won't be because of the books on your shelves. Your bookcase is now bursting with gems. Despite that, do you know little more than the cover and blurb of many books? Ha, then we can shake hands. High time to change that! Reading is really nice, relaxing and educational. Therefore, 5 tips to read more.

Read more, why is that so nice?

Are you ever jealous of the people around you who read a book in one day on a sunny summer day? In the meantime, don't you get much further than asking for books for your birthday and fervently hoping that one day you will have a chance to read them? A shame! Reading is really worth making time for. It is very relaxing to completely lose yourself in a book. You are in a different world for a moment and focus your brain on something other than all the daily worries.

In addition, reading is often very educational. You can learn a lot from a good book. Not only if you pull out a self-help book or a title like ' Sell your stuff online ', but also if you pick up a nice novel. You often get life lessons from books, beautiful quotes or at least things that make you think. For that reason alone, a good book is more than worth your time.

I don't have time for reading, do I?

An overcrowded agenda is a common excuse for people to seriously neglect their bookshelves. Maybe you're happy when your head hits the pillow after a busy day. Let alone read for another half hour. And during the day you have more than enough "musts", leaving no free moment for reading. Ha, you'd think so! In reality, you can make time to read. Especially during this period when tropical holidays and days away are not possible! Read More With these 5 tips you will certainly succeed.

Tip 1 - Choose the right book

You undoubtedly have a few books on your shelf that aren't quite your thing. Once received for your birthday, but secretly it didn't make you feel warm or cold. The most important tip for reading more is to choose a book that you really like. Therefore, choose the most beautiful gem from your bookcase and start with it. Do you discover after a while that the book is not really your thing? Then put the book away and pick up a book that interests you. This way you make reading a lot more fun for yourself.

Read here why The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho might be your next book.

Tip 2 - Don't lose sight of your book

Reading more starts with having a book at hand anytime, anywhere. Take your book with you when you go to bed, put it next to you on the coffee table and put it in your bag if you have an appointment somewhere. This makes you more likely to pick up your book when you have the chance. For example, if you wait until your bath is filled or if you wait impatiently until your delicious casserole is finally ready. Every few minutes of reading time is a bonus!

EXTRA TIP: Don't you like carrying a paper book with you all the time? Then treat yourself to an e-reader. This way you always have a whole stack of books at hand, but collected in a lightweight digital thing.

This Kobo e-reader is the most popular at This is compact, light and has an unprecedentedly sharp display of text - price is €125.

Tip 3 - Put reading time in your calendar

Reading a book is a nice moment that you have all to yourself. Reading is great, relaxing and educational. Reason enough to make time for it. “But when?”, I hear you thinking. Good news: I'm sure you have half an hour to read somewhere one day. For example, calculate how much time you spend with your phone in your hand. What if you turned that phone time into reading time? Or what if you don't aimlessly watch a TV program that doesn't interest you, but instead pick up a book?

Been there, done that...

Tip 4 - Set a reading goal for yourself

Make reading a challenge. For example, by resolving to read a certain number of pages every day. If necessary, write that goal down in your calendar so that you can actually check it off at the end of the day. Also try Here you can set a reading goal for yourself and keep track of which books you have read to achieve that goal. An extra stick behind the door!

Tip 5 - Take your book to bed

We cannot ignore it: the last half hour before going to bed is the best time for reading for many people. No crowds around you, just you and the book on your bedside table (and perhaps a sweet partner next to you, who probably also has a nice book to read). Therefore, make sure you always have a book on your bedside table. Another bonus is that you often fall asleep faster after reading a book. In any case, it is a lot better for your eyes and brain than spending the last fifteen minutes scrolling through your phone.

Relax completely in the evening.

So read more. Highly recommended! And not as difficult as you think. Look in your bookcase, choose your most beautiful gem, block a time in your agenda and enjoy!

💛 Tell me, which book do you have on your bedside table right now?

Romy Veul

The author: Romy Veul

Copywriter, language fanatic, crazy about color and cheerful as often as possible. That's who Romy Veul is in a nutshell. On her blog More often Cheerful she takes you into her positive imaginations. Always with a modest dose of humor and nice colorful photos. Romy's blog posts >

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1 comment

    • Anna
    • July 1, 2020 at 9:38 pm

    beste Mariko,
    ten eerste wil ik even zeggen dat ik altijd heel blij en gezellig word van jouw happlify mails! dankjewel!
    ten tweede, dit stuk gaat over meer lezen, nou dan MOET ik even reageren!
    meer lezen is voor mij eigenlijk niet mogelijk :-) ik ben al mijn hele leven verslaafd aan boeken lezen heb ik laatst besloten. op dit moment ben ik bezig in Jager van Lars Kepler, lekker spannend, daar hou ik van. verder ben ik bezig in Zoals verwacht loopt alles anders van Berthold Gunster (OMDENKEN) en Fokking druk – het ultieme anti-stressboek van Thijs Launspach. Heerlijk! Ik ben altijd meerdere boeken aan het lezen, maar waar ik echt blij van word (happiness voor mij) zijn spannende boeken (psychologische thrillers en oorlogsboeken). Ik heb dan ook nog ruim 30 nieuwe boeken in mijn boekenkast staan die ik nog niet heb gelezen!
    fijne dag, groetjes Anna

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