As we write this, it is already the 6th week of 2021. Maybe you had good intentions this year and you managed to keep them up. Good for you! Of course it could also be that (again, *sigh*) they didn't manage to keep up. We know that feeling: you make a plan for yourself, things go well a few times and then things get messed up. And once you figure that out, you can be really bummed. That is of course not the intention, because a happy you makes the world a lot more fun. So: don't let your good spirits get lost. Let's do this!

Don't stress, this will be all right

By the way, you can start any day of the year with good intentions, including today. How do you keep them up? By paying attention to a few things, namely:

  1. Focus on your goal, not the means
  2. Choose a resolution that makes you happy
  3. Give yourself a stick behind the door
  4. Don't do it alone
  5. Prepare yourself
  6. do it in the morning
  7. Celebrate your success!

The extended version of the story:

1 - Focus on your goal, not the means

Before you think 'yes duh': many people are wrong with this. Very often the means is bombed to the end. Perhaps you have done this unconsciously, for example if you have set yourself the goal of: losing x kilos before the summer, being able to run 5 kilometers in May, doing yoga every week, <fill in your own goal >. As beautiful as these things sound, they are not goals. They are means to achieve your actual goal. Because if you do a bit of soul searching, you wanted to lose x kilos, because you want to fit in that nice dress in the summer. Or you wanted to be able to run 5 kilometers, because you are already out of breath when you run after your (grand) child. And doing yoga every week, you promised yourself, because you feel restless. Persistence starts with taking a step back and thinking about what you are really trying to achieve. In this blog you will find a video in which Wendy explains why this is so important when it comes to sports.

2 - Choose a resolution that makes you happy

If you know what your goal is, you choose a means - or intention - that makes you happy. Your goal is to fit into that cute dress in the summer. You can do several things to achieve that goal, for example: go on a diet, exercise aimed at slimming, find a good tailor who will explain the dress a bit for you, with good styling, wear the dress in a completely different way. Maybe a diet was not the means that makes you happy and you like sports. If you choose a resolution that makes you happy, the chances are much greater that you will stick to it. The same goes for getting in better shape: maybe you didn't last your run, but jumping rope, cycling, swimming, or anything else that helps build your fitness makes you happy. Yoga may have been difficult for you to sustain, but guess what? You can also calm down by writing for 15 minutes every morning or evening, taking a leisurely walk every day and focusing on nature, reading for an hour twice a week, or listening to classical music without doing anything else. And there might be something in between that makes you happy. Lucky you! That way it's getting a lot closer :)

3 - Give yourself a big stick

This one is very simple: don't keep your New Year's resolution to yourself, but share it. Start by writing it down for yourself and as specifically as possible, so: my goal is to calm down, so my intention is to write for 15 minutes every morning. Share your intention with your housemates, friends, or others and tell them about it regularly. This increases the chance that you will persevere, because others can ask about it and compliment you on your progress so far. Super fun isn't it!

4 - Don't do it alone

You know the feeling; you have decided to eat healthier and your roommate eats a pack of your favorite cookies right in front of you. Of course that doesn't work. Try to find others you can hang out with. Maybe you have a friend who also wants to read twice a week and you can tell each other what you like about the book. Or join a Facebook group where you find people who also go for a walk every day and share fun photo assignments that you can participate in.

5 - Prepare

Make it as easy as possible for yourself to keep going. Good preparation helps. For example, plan your reading or listening time in your agenda weeks in advance, to prevent your New Year's resolution time from becoming the final piece in your agenda and so it does not come about. Make sure you have what you need to work on your New Year's resolution in a pleasant way. If you are going to jump rope, make sure you have a skipping rope that makes you happy. In a nice color, with fine handles or a counter. If you are going to write, give yourself a nice notebook. And have your notebook, headphones, hiking or sports outfit or whatever you need ready the day before. This will help remind you that you are going to take action. Idea : Skipping rope Premium - Adjustable Jumprope - Pink Steel - €14,95

Jump rope pink

6 - Do it in the morning

Is your resolution something that needs action once a week? Do it on Monday! Is more action needed? Do it in the morning! That way you can enjoy the feeling of success all week or day. Because that's it: you achieved your goal again this week or this day. Whoop whoop! Besides, the world is beautiful in the morning...

7 - Celebrate your success!

Very important: celebrate your success. So make sure you give yourself intermediate goals. Can you button up that beautiful dress again: that's success! Can you play with your (grand)child for 10 minutes without getting out of breath: that's success! Did you write 15 minutes every day for a month: that's success! Also don't forget to share your success with the person you are doing it with (see point 4), because then you will receive compliments from yourself and from others. A double dose of compliments = a double dose of endorphins (happiness hormones). See, that motivates to keep going!

Do you want to give yourself something as a present? Then choose, for example, wonderfully warm Esgii slippers to rest with after all your effort! You can find them here:

Esgii wool slippers

One last bonus tip : don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone has periods when it just doesn't work and no, that doesn't mean it will never work. Just start again, because with good intentions you can start every day. Yes you can!

Wishing you lots of fun and success! We are happy to compliment you when we see your success. Love, Mara & Wendy

Mara and Wendy - Spiffy active Authors - Mara and Wendy
Sporty sisters Mara and Wendy run Spiffy active together. This is a brand with sustainable and high-quality sportswear from the Netherlands, available in sizes 36 to 52. Their mission is to make you look good, so that you move with pleasure and self-confidence. And it works,see for yourself .

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