Last week was Valentine's Day. The day of love. For many people it is the opportunity to give a nice teddy bear, a bouquet of flowers or just a beautiful card as a gift. Or to finally put down on paper the sweet words that you have wanted to say to your partner, loved one or secret love for a long time. But in this gray month, is it perhaps also time to be extra kind to someone else: yourself? I will give you 9 loving tips for this.

Be kind to yourself – today and always!

These are things you have probably said to others. But are you actually just as kind and generous to yourself as you are to others? Do you also give yourself a day off when you're feeling down? Do you ever take some time for yourself in between the hustle and bustle? And do you ever come home with a treat for yourself - just like that and without feeling guilty?

Many people are used to thinking of others first. Is everyone happy? Then so am I! A nice thought of course, but in practice it doesn't always work that way. Doing something that is good for you is not arrogant, crazy or stupid . It is very necessary to be happy yourself and to be able to make others happy as well. Because if you don't think about yourself, who will?

9 nice things to do for yourself today

That's why I want to invite you to be a little nicer to yourself, especially on this day of love. Don't worry: I won't ask you to serenade yourself, but I will ask you to do something small that makes you happy. Simply because you can put yourself in the spotlight.

1. Delete something from your agenda

No, don't cancel the dentist appointment you've been dreading for weeks (you'll be fine!). But what you can eliminate is one of the “musts” that you have unnecessarily imposed on yourself. Give yourself some extra free time today. For example, by postponing your date with the vacuum cleaner for a day or by not feeling obliged to go to the Friday afternoon drinks at work. Extra time for yourself is never a bad thing.

2. Celebrate yourself

Literally: by giving yourself a beautiful bouquet . A cheerful surprise for the table, which you can enjoy for at least a week. And if the florist asks “Is it a gift?”, you of course just say “Yes”. A beautifully wrapped gift for yourself!

Tip: you can also easily have this lovely bunch with Tony Chocolonely bar delivered to yourself.

3. Make a pride list

It is often very easy to list things about ourselves that we are not happy with. But fortunately there is always a positive side: there is still a lot left that you can (rightly) be proud of. Sit down and make a list. Write down 10 things (Ten? Yes, ten!) that make you proud of yourself right now. Such a list can help you enormously to look at yourself more gently.

4. Take longer to do something than usual

In a world where we are constantly disturbed by glowing phone screens, sometimes nothing is nicer than living a little slower. So slow down a bit today. For example, take longer to shower instead of rushing into the shower. Or don't quickly apply some cream to your face, but make time for a nice evening ritual.

Not everything has to be 'quick, quick'!

5. Cook the stars from heaven (for yourself)

Not only love but also self-love goes through the stomach. Therefore, take the time to lovingly put together something extra tasty for your plate (and maybe that of your partner too). Dust off your favorite cookbook, pick out something really tasty and get cooking.

Is it not working out exactly as you would like? Don't forget to be kind to yourself. You can always get a pizza!

6. Give yourself something that you would otherwise never give yourself

Whoa, wait a minute before you race to the store to finally get a new MacBook. Let's start with something small. The super-deluxe special coffee, for example, which you normally find far too expensive. Or the book that you have been curious about for a long time, but that you had put on your wish list for the time being.

TIP: Remember to be kind to yourself with this Flow heart pin handmade from sterling silver by BeJoyce. The pin comes with a nice gift card. Order it here - €19.50

7. Plan a fun outing

Find a nice short-term outing and give it as a gift to yourself. Do something where you know that the prospect of that outing in itself will put a big smile on your face. And possibly invite a friend to come along with you.

8. Go offline for a while

“Yes, but what if I miss apps and messages?” Don't worry, those messages will come again tomorrow. Turn off your notifications and put your phone far out of reach. Treat yourself to a wonderful offline evening as usual. With time for games, a good book or something else fun that doesn't involve a screen.

9. Be crazy!

A dance around the room, a live playback show in the shower or, for all I care, sign up for a rubber duck painting course. Whatever it is, implement one of those fun, wild ideas that wonderfully impulsively popped into your head.

This year, Valentine's Day was a great opportunity to think differently about love and being kind and that goes further than just one day...
So don't bend over backwards to do good enough for someone else, but also think about what you could do for yourself. You've earned it!

Be kind to yourself 💛

Romy Veul

The author: Romy Veul

Copywriter, language fanatic, crazy about color and cheerful as often as possible. That's who Romy Veul is in a nutshell. On her blog More often Cheerful she takes you into her positive imaginations. Always with a modest dose of humor and nice colorful photos. Romy's blog posts >

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