Whether adventures should always be grand and compelling? No! Adventure is not just about backpacking or climbing high mountains. Don't underestimate the nice little adventures! Just in your own country or even on your own balcony or in your own kitchen. We give you 9 fun ideas for micro-adventures. You don't need a backpack and mountain boots.

Idea 1 - Book a photo shoot

Have you always wanted to have professional photos of yourself? Or from you and your partner or from your family? In nature this can easily be done remotely. Maybe this stay-at-home summer is a good time for that. It is quite an experience in itself to do such a photo shoot, but it also produces (if all goes well) great photos. You can then get started with a photo gallery. Also a micro-adventure in itself!

Idea 2 - Follow an (online) workshop

Have you always wanted to learn something new in the creative field? Nice! Grab your chance, creabea! At many online shops you can order nice DIY packages to get started with your crafts. Sometimes even including video tutorials for additional explanation. For example, consider making your own macramé pendant, making leather bracelets or crocheting amigurumis (those cute creatures!).

TIP : How about digital detoxing ?

Digital Detox from Happlify

Idea 3 - Make your own elderflower syrup

Many things from nature are edible or drinkable. Oh wait, don't run straight to the first plant you see and put it in your mouth! But you can do very fun and tasty things with some plants. You can make your own elderflower syrup from the cheerful elderflower that blooms in many places (see this recipe from Iris ). Very sweet, but oh so tasty! And of course ideal for the summer days you will experience in Tuinesia or Balkonia this year. A bottle of syrup will certainly last you a while.

Idea 4 - Create your own vegetable garden

Speaking of eating plants: you can of course also grow your own vegetable garden. Yes, even if you have a mini balcony instead of a spacious garden. Especially in the summer, the vegetables in a vegetable garden grow nice and quickly. Collect a few pots, plant the seeds for cress, cherry tomatoes and other goodies in some soil and wait! Who knows, in a few weeks you might be able to serve all your home-grown vegetables and herbs

Idea 5 - Make your own floral art

Flowers are always a pleasure to put on the table. It's a bit of a shame that you can often enjoy it for a maximum of two weeks! Fortunately, there is a solution for that: dried flowers. And you can do very nice things with it at home! Pick wild flowers in your area (not from gardens of course; the neighbor won't like it!). Treat yourself to a flower press and use it to flatten the flowers. You can then frame them, hang them and look at them for a long time.

Idea 6 - Take a mini road trip

There are probably plenty of places a little further from home that you would like to visit 'someday'. Now is your chance! Grab the car (or – even more fun – rent a Volkswagen van ) and explore your surroundings. For example, map out a route where you will explore five places and nature reserves within a radius of 50 kilometers . Ha, it makes me really want to hit the road myself!

TIP : You can of course also include an overnight stay. View some nice holiday addresses in the Netherlands here .

Idea 7 - Picnic in the wild

You probably already know your own environment better than anyone else. But undoubtedly there are plenty of places within 10 kilometers of your place of residence that you do not visit every month. High time to discover it! Get on your bike with a well-filled picnic basket , invite a friend and look for a place in the wild where you can sit. Good conversations, a basket full of goodies and a nice place in nature - what more could you want?

Idea 8 - (Re)discover Geocaching

It has been around for a while (since 2000), but perhaps it is time to rediscover Geocaching . Or if you've never done it, read on... Geocaching is an adventure game for handheld GPS and smartphone users. The basic idea is that individuals or organizations/associations, anywhere in the world, hide caches (aka 'treasure') and share the locations of these caches by reporting their exact position on the Internet. Other GPS users use these coordinates to find these caches. The caches (boxes) themselves can be Tupperware boxes, old ammunition boxes, PVC pipes... In short, something that can fit a logbook and offers space for nice exchange items. Once the cache is found, the cache reveals its secrets and rewards the finder with a variety of rewards. The finder is asked to take something from the cache and leave something behind in its place. Maybe there is one around the corner from you! Take a look here for more information.

Idea 9 - Buy all kinds of products that you don't know yet

There is a good chance that you will always come home with certain products when you go shopping. I certainly do. But what if you fill your cart with only products you don't know yet? A new flavor of ice cream, forgotten vegetables or exotic fruits that you only know from photos, for example. Try something new, find a tasty recipe and challenge yourself culinary. Who knows, you might discover new favorites. And if not, at least you've had a mini-adventure!

One thing is certain: there will be absolutely no boredom this summer. I'm going on an adventure. Not far away with a backpack and hiking boots, but on a mini adventure. Are you participating?

Do you have any other fun ideas for micro-adventures? Tell!

Romy Veul

The author: Romy Veul

Copywriter, language fanatic, crazy about color and cheerful as often as possible. That's who Romy Veul is in a nutshell. On her blog More often Cheerful she takes you into her positive imaginations. Always with a modest dose of humor and nice colorful photos. Romy's blog posts >

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1 comment

    • Lifestyle Mommy's ~ Linda
    • September 11, 2020 at 3:09 pm

    Wat een ontzettend leuke tips. Geocachen deden we al en ook onze tweeling van 6 jaar vindt dat helemaal geweldig. Picknicken blijft natuurlijk altijd een feestje. Zelfs als je het als ik.. letterlijk 10 cm van het picknickkleed af zit.. in de ganzenpoep.. met een witte legging aan 🤣 het was overigens wel de meest ontspannen picknick ever. De kinderen en 2 kinderen van vrienden hebben zich uren vermaakt in het park met wat voetballen enzo. Geweldig was dat.

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